Fraternity and supererogation. Some philosophical ideas on the encyclical “Fratelli tutti”

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Stefano Biancu


Pope Francis’ encyclical “Fratelli tutti” proposes the so-called parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37) as the paradigm of a fraternity understood as a social friendship (see Fratelli tutti, n. 56-86). The Samaritan’s attitude is traditionally considered the emblem of “supererogation”. This is a technical term which indicates those actions and attitudes which, while being morally good, are however not strictly required. This area of actions and attitudes has long been considered beyond ethics and beyond the call of duty which is typical of modern citizenship. This paper aims to show that supererogation can be considered an ethical phenomenon and the core of a new form of citizenship.

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Author Biography

Stefano Biancu, LUMSA University

Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at Lumsa University (Rome) and the vice-coordinator of the International PhD program in Contemporary Humanism (