
EducA, International Catholic Journal of Education


Association for Catholic Institutes for the Study of Education –ACISE (FIUC member).
21, Rue d’Assas – 75270 PARIS, France (FIUC and ACISE)
(Postal address – Rua Pinto de Aguiar, 345 – 4400-252 Vila Nova de Gaia – PT)


Annual, at October each year.


EducA is a peer-reviewed and electronic journal created to publish the educational research that is done in the catholic universities and in all universities all over the world.

Main Objectives:

  • Stimulate the publication of social researchers from the catholic universities and from all universities in the whole world, that have been conducting research activities in the education domain;
  • Disseminate the research activities results to all those potential interested in the education field and decision makers;
  • Promote the international scientific and professional cooperation between researchers investigating in education.

Main characteristics:

  • EducA publish original papers insert in the education sciences field, as a plural and transdisciplinar scientific field;
  • Each number of EducA has a main theme and a small number of free theme papers;
  • EducA is open to the publication of empiric research papers, methodological papers, literature reviews and systematizations, fundamental theoretical papers and evaluations of relevant projects, innovations and experiences;
  • All the submitted papers to the EducA Journal are submitted to a blinded peer-reviewed process, as the international standards. Each paper will be submitted anonymously to at least two referees.


The international scientific and academic community, the schools all over the world and other potential public interested in the education research domain.

Board of direction

The board is responsible for the coordination and general management of the journal and of the Advisory Council and the Scientific Committee, for the journal quality assurance. The Board also is responsible for the sustainability of the project.

Advisory Council

Composed by the peer-reviewers. This team of teachers, experts and researchers is responsible to support the journal doing the evaluation of the articles submitted to publication.

Scientific Committee

Composed by teachers and researchers in education, all over the world. This team is responsible for the advice in the selection of the themes of the journal and cooperate with the board of direction in the identification of peer-reviewers and coordinators of the themes of the journal.


Themes and specialized coordinators

Each number of the journal will have an invited Coordinator specialized on the theme that will cooperate with the director inviting researchers on the specific theme, doing a first view of the articles proposed, suggesting the specialized peer-reviewers.


Editorial Process

The articles proposed are firstly review by the board of direction in order to assure the fulfilment of the editorial criterea of the journal and the formal requests. The editor will send the blinded articles to the reviewers- two for each article -and their analysis will be done in an established protocol. If corrections are recommended, the authors will do them and the editor will accomplish the final style revision in order to be published. All these steps, from the article reception to the acceptance will not exceed three months.


Policy Preservation

EducA, International Catholic Journal of Education is responsible for the preservation and protection of its holdings of collections including Digital Memory Collections. Preservation and protection of the physical and digital collections held by EducA, International Catholic Journal of Education is achieved by the provision of universal best practice and recognised national and international preservation standards, principles, and guidelines. This includes the implementation of preventive and remedial conservation programs along with reformatting options to ensure enduring access to content, by our web service.


Research data sharing policy

The journal EducA recommends that data be deposited in a data repository with a plan for long-term file preservation, registration of persistent identifiers, and a metadata structure with information that guarantees compliance with the requirements defined by the FAIR Principles and Open Science. Also, the authors of the journal share the research data used in research outputs, adhering to the following principles: 

- Adoption of an “open when possible, closed when necessary” approach;
- Compliance with FAIR principles—data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable; 

- Provision of data to facilitate validation and reuse, in repositories registered with the or FAIRsharing portals (e.g., Zenodo);

- Authors are encouraged to follow good citation practices with regard to datasets as well; 
- Assignment of persistent identifiers, such as DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers), to data and their versions;
- Preservation of data in accordance with institutional and funder requirements; 
- Adherence to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The research data sharing policy is available on the FAIRsharing platform."



April 2015 (1st number)



Joaquim Azevedo –
Ségolène Le Mouillour –
Cristina Palmeirão –


Furtherance by

Fundação Manuel Leão
Rua Pinto de Aguiar, 345 – 4400-252 Vila Nova de Gaia PT