Submission Preparation Checklist
Articles for consideration should be sent by email attachment to Professor Joaquim Azevedo ( All articles are subject to independent peer review (anonymously). Before submission, you are requested to read the EDUCAcise Publication Ethics Statement. Articles accepted for publication become the copyright of the journal, unless otherwise specifically agreed. All contributions should be original and should not be under consideration elsewhere. Authors should be aware that they are writing for an international audience and should use non-discriminatory language.
Technical requirements
Authors are welcome to deposit their original/personal manuscript files ‘live’ in their institution’s archive (ideally with a link to the final version of the article as it appears on the journal’s website) but the journal asks that authors do not deposit the final typeset version (i.e. the website version) until two years after formal publication. Three years after publication, the papers become automatically free-access, so authors are asked to respect that embargo period.
Manuscripts should be submitted as email attachments in MS Word format, though any major word-processor is acceptable. Please do not over-format the manuscript as this impedes the publication process.
The author’s name and affiliation should appear at the beginning of the article, together with full postal and email addresses. This should be followed by a short description of their current position and research/teaching interests, including ORCID.
It is essential that an Abstract (100-200 words) be provided for each paper. In case the article is written in a language other than English, an Abstract in English, including keywords, must also be provided.
Figures and tables should have their positions marked clearly and be provided on separate pages. Figure numbers should be shown as Arabic numerals, table numbers as Latin numerals.
Headings and sub-headings should be clearly distinguished.
References should be provided in the text with the authors name followed by the year in brackets, for example: Yelland & Grieshaber (1998). If a direct quote is used the page number will need to be added. For example: Yelland & Grieshaber (1998, p. 13).
It would be helpful to international readers if authors would, whenever possible, provide English translations for non-English references, for example:
André, S., Dronkers, J. & Fleischmann, F. (2009) Verschillen in groepsdiscriminatie, zoals waargenomen door immigranten uit verschillende herkomstlanden in veertien lidstaten van de Europese Unie [Differences in in-group discrimination as perceived by immigrants from various countries of origin in fourteen member-states of the European Union], Mens en Maatschappij, 84, 448‑482.
Swedish National Agency for Education (2003) Ung i Demokratin: gymnasieelevers kunskaper och attityder i demokrati- och samhällsfrågor [Young People in Democracy: knowledge and attitudes among upper secondary students]. Stockholm: Skolverket.
All material/works cited in the article need to be included in an alphabetical reference list at the end. Please use the following style:
Book Chartrand, L., Duchesne, R., Dubord, M. & Gingras, Y. (1987) Histoire des Sciences au Québec. Montréal: Boréal.
Chapter in a book Härnqvist, K. (1997) Educational Research in Sweden: infrastructure and orientation, in K.E. Rosengren & B. Öhngren (Eds) An Evaluation of Swedish Research in Education. Uppsala: HSFR.
Article in a journal Geiger, R.L. (1975) The Institutionalization of Sociological Paradigms: three examples from early French sociology, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 11(3), 235-245.
Online documents Lather, P. (2004) Getting Lost: feminist efforts toward a double(d) science. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association, San Diego, 12-16 April.
When first mentioned, acronyms should be preceded by the title in full. Journal titles should not be abbreviated.
Footnotes should not be used. Endnotes need to be located in the text by numbers within square brackets ([1], [2] etc) as normal-size numbers/brackets and not as superscripts.
Proofs will be sent in PDF format to the author designated to receive them, and should be corrected and returned immediately to the Editors. Contributors will be notified when the article has been published on the Journal’s website.
Please contact our editor ( if you have any questions or need further information about the preparation of word-processed documents for publication.