Communication, media and inculturation

Main Article Content

John Sullivan


This article addresses two dimensions of being open to others, both of which are then related to inculturation, a task shared by the Church and her schools and universities. First, the micro-level of personal communication with other individuals is considered, along with the qualities and virtues that enhance such communication.

Second, the focus switches to the broader level of an intelligent and sensitive
engagement with the media of communication deployed within contemporary culture. In the final section there is an indication of the bearing on inculturation and the relevance for Christian educators of both effective personal communicative relationships and a critical discernment of culture and its media of communication.

Article Details

Author Biography

John Sullivan

John Sullivan, now Emeritus Professor, was Professor of Christian Education at Liverpool Hope University from 2002 – 2013.

He is also Visiting Professor (Theology and Education) at Newman University, Birmingham, UK.