Catholic schools in a T-World – front runners in sense making

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Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo


Catholic Schools in a T-World – front runners in sense making is an article about the role of schools and teachers in a technology rich world. Not only about how education systems should incorporate technology in the educational processes, but mainly about how technology is changing the roles of schools and teachers. The foreseeable impact of the 4th industrial revolution goes far beyond manufacturing and other productive aspects of our life. Big data, the internet of things, artificial intelligence, robotics, all concur to radically change the way we work, but also the way we live and the way we organize our societies. These changes – the T-Wave – will require new skills and competencies from humans but will also force us to focus on what it means to be human in a more fundamental way. And education systems, because they cater for the future generations, must be prepared to surf the T-Wave. Catholic schools, like all other schools, will have to face the challenges posed by the T-Wave. But, unlike other schools, have it in their nature to go further and balance the technological strength of the future with the righteous role of mankind in that future. Because of their anthropological nature, catholic schools may go beyond educating along the lines of “21st century skills” or “civic education”. They explore man`s most fundamental questions and the meaning of life.

We begin by analysing the T-Wave, its impact on our future and the challenges that arise for education systems. Then we present these the “challenge of purpose” faced by schools. Finally, we address the specificity of sense making that catholic schools, because of their nature, may (must9 bring to education and why this is paramount in a T-World if we are to contribute to the development of a prosperous human-centred society.

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Author Biography

Rodrigo Queiroz e Melo, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas, CEPCEP e CRC-W