La sollicitude pedagogique dans la reconnaissance mutuelle et l’intentionnalite educative

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Augustin Mutuale


As a first step, we will submitt the relationship, considered as a foundation of education, to the elucidation. In a second phase, a discursive exploration will deal with the way how an educator experiences this relationship to the other. We will pass through the perspective of otherness and heterogeneity for a confrontation with the question of individuality.
A young person or a student, met in the area of education or in the school space, comes with his own worlds built from his familial or cultural affiliation. He comes also with a moral or/and physical and mental strain, difficult emotions such as anger or even rebellion, fear, a story in which Katastrophê, Epiphany, etc. can be lived. A careful relation to the different worlds of the other is what we call an ecological relationship or ecorelationality.
Open-mindedness to what we call a relationship of solicitude will be useful, and this, both as a concept and an experience. In the relationship in education, we will talk about the way, inside the daily life of the class or other learning spaces, this pedagogy of « sollicitudo » means a pedagogy of mercy which does not end at the stage of « taking care » but take the risk « to lead towards » as an educational intentionality with a view of the recognition of the dignity of every person in a commun and non-uniform world.
Institutional places become, through the learning of care on educational aspects, an experimental area shared on a daily basis and with the view of the coming of a just world in which everyone can find its place as a sower of humanity.

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Author Biography

Augustin Mutuale, Institut Catholique de Paris

Docteur en Philosophie et en Sciences de l’éducation, Professeur et directeur du Cycle des Études Doctorales à l’Institut Supérieur de Pédagogie-Faculté d’Éducation de l’Institut Catholique de Paris